Great Sandy Strait to Kingfisher Resort, 31 May 2009

By the time we dropped anchor in Kauri Creek I was brain dead. It was about 1AM after a long day of downwind sailing and crossing the Wide Bay Bar in the dark was nerve wracking to say the least. So we motored up the creek and I knew full well we would not be able to get out at low tide the next morning… still…

I got up at 6AM, and started motoring down the creek. As one would expect, we were soon stuck in the mud. Just as advertised, we only had five feet of water, and we needed six… So, we turned off the engine and made breakfast! Two hours later we motored out without any problem whatsoever.

The passage up the Strait was uneventful, requiring concentration, timing and a reliable engine. At about 4PM we anchored off Kingfisher Resort for a peaceful night.

Peaceful anchorage at Kingfisher Resort, Great Sandy Strait, Fraser Island