Well we’re all clean, everything’s packed away and the boat is restocked for the next leg.
We arrived in Rosslyn Bay/ Yeppoon late Monday afternoon. At long last we were united with our school work – whoops! We’re starting our term two and a half weeks after everyone else but the boys have been busy
catching up ever since (well, sort of!).
As well as school, getting the laundry done, hair cuts for all of the boys, a few work and domestic issues to get through, and then getting a few bits and pieces for the boat the days have seemed full if not a little mundane. Gerhard and I have decided that we don’t like being in marinas – it’s all a lot more relaxed and carefree when we’re out in the middle of ….somewhere!
The boys meanwhile have had a ball making friends with another ‘boat boy’. They spent hours today and yesterday climbing trees and playing together, exploring each other’s boats.
So tomorrow we head north to Pearl Bay and then across to the Swain Reefs for a few days – the reef there is apparently stunning. The wind has now calmed down and if the forecast is to be believed we are in for a couple of great weeks weatherwise – let’s hope so! Watch this space…